

Meitec Group (TSE:9744) is a company engaged in the provision of staffing services, engineering solution services, global services and career support services. The Staffing segment is engaged in the provision of technician staffing service with a focus on engineer staffing. The Engineering Solution segment is engaged in the provision of engineering solution services with a focus on printed circuit board design service. The Global segment is engaged in the human resource cultivation, stuff agency and human resource consulting businesses in China.

公司中文名: 明达科
公司英文名: Meitec Group
总部所在地: 日本东京
国别: 日本
成立时间: 1974年
主营业务: 猎头服务与招聘流程外包
2018年度收入: 848百万美元
上市证交所: 东京证券交易所
证券代码: 9744