

Volt(NYSE:VISI)is an international provider of staffing services, outsourcing solutions, and information technology infrastructure services. Volt’s staffing services consist of workforce solutions that include providing contingent workers, personnel recruitment services, and managed staffing services programs supporting primarily administrative and light industrial (“commercial”) as well as technical, information technology and engineering (“professional”) positions. Volt managed service programs (“MSP”) involves managing the procurement and on-boarding of contingent workers from multiple providers.

公司中文名: 渥特
公司英文名: Volt
总部所在地: 美国纽约
国别: 美国
成立时间: 1950年
主营业务: 人才派遣/租赁/安置服务
2018年度收入: 1,039百万美元
上市证交所: 纽约证券交易所
证券代码: VISI