
万宝盛华集团(NYSE: MAN) 成立于1948年,是全球开创性的人力资源解决方案的领导者。万宝盛华为雇主提供涵盖整个雇佣生命周期和商业周期的一系列服务,包括招聘与测评、培训与发展、生涯管理、外包、劳动力咨询等服务。作为职场专家,万宝盛华集团每天帮助超过600,000求职者在不同的行业和技能领域找到有意义的工作。通过万宝盛华集团旗下品牌——ManpowerGroup™ Solutions、Experis™、Manpower®和Right Management®,服务80个国家和地区超过400,000家客户,持续为客户提供全球化的综合解决方案,助力客户寻访、管理和发展人才。2018年,万宝盛华集团已连续第八年被评为“全球最具商业道德企业之一”并被《财富》杂志誉为“全球最受赞赏企业之一”,巩固了人力资源行业中最值得信赖与最受赞赏的品牌形象。

ManpowerGroup (NYSE:MAN), founded in 1948, is the world leader in innovative workforce solutions, connecting human potential to the power of business. ManpowerGroup provides a series of services covering the whole employment life cycle and business cycle to employers, including recruitment and assessment, training and development, career management, outsourcing and workforce consulting. Every day, ManpowerGroup connect more than 600,000 people to meaningful work across a wide range of skills and industries helping to power the success of clients around the world. ManpowerGroup serves both large and small organizations across all industry sectors through their brands and offerings: ManpowerGroup Solutions, Experis, Manpower and Right Management. In 1994, for the first time Manpower developed its business to Great China, and presently it has over 120,000 professional recruiters in 35 main cities in Chinese Mainland. In 2018, ManpowerGroup has been named the eighth year as one of the world's most business ethics enterprises and has been named one of the world's most admired enterprises by Fortune magazine.

公司中文名: 万宝盛华集团
公司英文名: ManpowerGroup
总部所在地: 美国威斯康星
国别: 美国
成立时间: 1948年
主营业务: 人才派遣/租赁/安置服务
2018年度收入: 21,991百万美元
上市证交所: 纽约证券交易所
证券代码: MAN