

ASGN (NASDAQ:ASGN) is a diversified professional staffing firm providing flexible and permanent staffing solutions in specialty skills, including laboratory/scientific, healthcare/nursing/physician, medical financial, information technology (IT) and engineering. The Company provides clients in these markets with short-term or long-term assignments of contract professionals, contract-to-permanent placement and direct placement of these professionals. The Company's business consists of four operating segments: Life Sciences, Healthcare, Physician, and IT and Engineering. On October 1, 2009, the Company acquired Fox Hill & Associates. In April 2010, the Company completed the acquisition of The Cambridge Group Ltd., a provider of specialized staffing in Physician, Clinical/Scientific and IT.

公司中文名: /
公司英文名: ASGN
总部所在地: 美国加州卡拉巴萨斯
国别: 美国
成立时间: 1985年
主营业务: 人才派遣/租赁/安置服务
2018年度收入: 3,400百万美元
上市证交所: 纳斯达克证券交易所
证券代码: ASGN