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Founded in 1987, China International Intellectech Corporationis one of the state-owned backbone enterprises under the direct management of the Chinese Central Government. Headquartered in Beijing, it has 126 subsidiaries and branches focusing on international cooperation in the fields of economy, technology and talent in China and other 76 countries and regions around the world. Keeping abreast of the latest development of knowledge-powered productivity amid the global economic integration, the mega trends of structural change and transfer of worldwide service sector as well as complete outsourcing especially offshore arrangements, and catering for China’s demands for restructuring of service industry and growing of new economic paradigms, CIIC has been building its core competence in the field of intellectual services, standing out as the leading HR service provider which demonstrates proven competitiveness and influence in talents, resources, networks, scale and experience. Furthermore, it is extending its expertise to new fields like investment and trading services. CIIC has becoming a newly exploring enterprise with its high competence and leading advantages.

公司中文名: 中国国际技术智力合作公司
公司英文名: CIIC
总部所在地: 中国北京
国别: 中国
成立时间: 1987年
公司网站: httphttp://www.ciic.com.cn/
主营业务: 人力资源服务外包
2015年度收入: 8,554百万美元
上市证交所: /
证券代码: /
营业利润 净利润 税前利润 股东权益
47 43 57 434
2015年末资产总额 平均资产总额 流动资产 流动负债
1,206 1,138 1,145 772
2015年末应收帐款 应收帐款均值 负债总额 利息费用
52 60 772 2
财务比率 比值 与行业平均值相比 财务比率 比值 与行业平均值相比
营业收入增长率 15.6% 高于 净利润率 0.5% 低于
总资产周转率 7.5 高于 净资产收益率 10.0% 低于
应收帐款周转率 141.6 高于 资产负债率 64.0% 低于
资产净利率 3.8% 低于 流动比率 1.5 等于
营业利润率 0.6% 低于 已获利息倍数 29.2 低于