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Hudson Highland Group, Inc. (NASDAQ:HHGP) is specialized professional staffing and talent management solutions providers. For more than 15 years in Asia, Hudson has been a premier recruitment service destination for talented candidates and clients committed to recruiting and developing top tier professionals. Hudson is a celebrated recruiting agency throughout Asia, and we have built an extensive network of talented candidates. In fact, our database of qualified Chinese professionals is one of the largest in Asia, which is why over 85% of our key clients are multinational companies. As an award winning human resources company, we pride ourselves on connecting clients with seasoned management in a diverse range of industries. As experts in specialised professional recruitment, recruitment process outsourcing and talent management, Hudson knows how to find the best people for hard to fill jobs, and we do it quickly with quality candidates. Our average time for a quality shortlist is 3-5 days or sooner, depending on the complexity of the role.

公司中文名: 翰德
公司英文名: Hudson
总部所在地: 美国纽约
国别: 美国
成立时间: 1967年
公司网站: http://www.hudson.com
主营业务: 猎头服务与招聘流程外包
2015年度收入: 463百万美元
上市证交所: 纳斯达克
证券代码: HHGP
营业利润 净利润 税前利润 股东权益
3 2 / 61
2015年末资产总额 平均资产总额 流动资产 流动负债
125 132 106 52
2015年末应收帐款 应收帐款均值 负债总额 利息费用
62 68 64 /
财务比率 比值 与行业平均值相比 财务比率 比值 与行业平均值相比
营业收入增长率 -20.3% 低于 净利润率 0.5% 低于
总资产周转率 3.5 高于 净资产收益率 3.8% 低于
应收帐款周转率 6.8 高于 资产负债率 51.0% 高于
资产净利率 1.8% 低于 流动比率 2.1 高于
营业利润率 0.7% 低于 已获利息倍数 / /