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Workday, Inc. is a provider of enterprise cloud-based applications for human capital management (HCM), payroll, financial management, time tracking, procurement and employee expense management. It is focused on the consumer Internet experience and cloud delivery model. Its applications are designed for global enterprises to manage complex and dynamic operating environments. The Company provides its customers the applications to manage critical business functions for their financial and human capital resources. The Company’s architecture enables customers to share the same version of its applications while securely partitioning their respective application data. Because customers utilize its information technology (IT) resources and operational infrastructure, this framework reduces the costs of implementation, upgrades, and support. Its applications use objects to represent real-world entities such as employees, benefits, budgets, charts of accounts, and organizations.

公司中文名: /
公司英文名: workday
总部所在地: 美国加利福尼亚州普莱桑顿
国别: 美国
成立时间: 2005年
公司网站: http://www.workday.com/
主营业务: 人力资源管理软件
2015年度收入: 1,162百万美元
上市证交所: 纽约证券交易所
证券代码: WDAY
营业利润 净利润 税前利润 股东权益
-265 -290 -289 1,136
2015年末资产总额 平均资产总额 流动资产 流动负债
2,730 2,545 2,362 923
2015年末应收帐款 应收帐款均值 负债总额 利息费用
293 241 1,594 /
财务比率 比值 与行业平均值相比 财务比率 比值 与行业平均值相比
营业收入增长率 47.5% 高于 净利润率 -24.9% 低于
总资产周转率 0.5 低于 净资产收益率 -25.5% 低于
应收帐款周转率 4.8 高于 资产负债率 58.4% 低于
资产净利率 -11.4% 低于 流动比率 2.6 高于
营业利润率 -22.8% 低于 已获利息倍数 / /