TrueBlue(纽约证券交易所:TBI)是一个提供蓝领工作人员临时性招聘服务的人力资源服务企业。企业在纽约证券交易所上市,总部位于美国纽约华盛顿州。1989年成立之初,公司名为Labor ready,2004年更名为TrueBlue,扩展蓝领工作人员的招聘与服务市场。公司在美国50个州及波多黎各和加拿大拥有698个分支,为客户派遣临时性蓝领工人和临时性招聘。目前,业务主要集中在蓝领招聘市场,为客户提供临时工作人员。
TrueBlue (NYSE: TBI) is a leading staffing, recruiting and workforce management company. The company fills individual positions on demand, staffs entire facilities, and manages outsourced recruiting processes and staffing vendor programs for a wide variety of clients. The company’s specialized workforce solutions meet clients’ needs for a reliable, efficient workforce, and it serves a wide variety of industries. TrueBlue assigns as many as 100,000 people to work each day, drawing from a data base of hundreds of thousands of candidates, and places more than 250,000 people in permanent positions each year.