LinkedIn (纳斯达克股市交易代码:LNKD) 成立于2002年12月并于2003年启动,总部位于美国加利福尼亚州山景城(Mountain View),在全世界30个城市开设办公室,拥有9,700多名员工。领英于2011年5月在纳斯达克证券交易所上市。目前用户人数超过4.30亿,覆盖全球200多个国家,拥有24种官方语言版本。领英为企业和机构提供包括招聘、市场和销售在内的一系列解决方案。领英拥有多元化经营模式,主要收入来自于为客户所提供的征才解决方案、营销解决方案及高级帐户。
Linkedin Corporation (NASDAQ: LNKD), established in December 2002 and launched in 2003, headquartered in Mountain View, California (Mountain View). On May 20, 2011, LinkedIn listed. Currently, LinkedIn has over 430 million users in more than 200 countries and regions. On LinkedIn platform, users can produce, manage and share their professional identity online, and establish or participate in professional networks. Users can access shared knowledge and insights, looking for business opportunities, and improve their productivity and success.