104 Job Bank

Company name in Chinese: 104人力银行 Company name in English: 104 Job Bank
Headquarters: Taiwan, China Country: China
Established: 1996 Website: http://www.104.com.tw
Main Business: Online Recruitment Annual revenue of 2014: 81 million dollars
Stock Exchange: Taiwan Stock Exchange Stock Code: 3130
About: 104 Job Bank (TPE:3130) is a Taiwan-based company primarily engaged in operation of online recruitment Website. The Company operates www.104.com.tw, providing online recruitment advertisements, online business advertisements, senior executives hunting services, human resource management software, human resource transfer services, science and technology job bank services, job map services and value-added services, among others. During the year ended December 31, 2009, online advertisements contributed approximately 86.8% of the Company's total revenue. It operates its businesses principally in Taiwan.

Major financial data in Fiscal 2014(Unit: $ million)

Average total assets Average total assets Average total assets Average total assets
11 10 12 44
Average total assets Average total assets Current assets Current liabilities
71 67 64 27
Receivable by the end of 2014 Average receivable Total liabilities Interest expense
/ / 27 /

Major financial ratios in Fiscal 2014:

Indicator Ratio Compared with industry average Indicator Ratio Compared with industry average
Revenue growth rate 9.5% Lower Net profit margin 12.7% Higher
Total turnover ratio 1.2 Higher ROE 23.5% Higher
Accounts receivable turnover ratio / / Debt-asset ratio 38.2% Lower
ROA 15.3% Higher Current ratio 2.4 Higher
Operating margin 13.9% Higher Times Interest Earned / /