JAC Recruitment

Company name in Chinese: / Company name in English: JAC Recruitment
Headquarters: Tokyo Country: Japan
Established: 1988 Website: http://corp.jac-recruitment.jp/
Main Business: Headhunting & RPO Annual revenue of 2014: 88 million dollars
Stock Exchange: Tokyo Stock Exchange Stock Code: 2124
About: JAC Recruitment Co., Ltd. is a Japan-based company engaged in the recruiting business. The Company is engaged in the recruitment and registration of job seekers, the provision of consultation services to the job seekers, the selection of the candidates for appropriate job openings, the provision of support services to the candidates before and after joining companies, and others. The Company is also engaged in the provision of recruiting services for overseas job seekers to join companies in Japan, as well as for domestic candidate to join overseas companies. JAC Recruitment provides quality permanent personnel for a wide range of positions - from Senior Executives to Support Staff and from Mechanical Engineers to IT professionals - into both local and international companies operating in almost every business sector.

Major financial data in Fiscal 2014(Unit: $ million)

Average total assets Average total assets Average total assets Average total assets
25 15 / 52
Average total assets Average total assets Current assets Current liabilities
73 64 62 21
Receivable by the end of 2014 Average receivable Total liabilities Interest expense
5 5 21 /

Major financial ratios in Fiscal 2014:

Indicator Ratio Compared with industry average Indicator Ratio Compared with industry average
Revenue growth rate 29.3% Higher Net profit margin 17.1% Higher
Total turnover ratio 1.4 Lower ROE 28.8% Higher
Accounts receivable turnover ratio 18.8 Higher Debt-asset ratio 28.7% Lower
ROA 23.7% Higher Current ratio 3.0 Higher
Operating margin 28.7% Higher Times Interest Earned / /