
Company name in Chinese: / Company name in English: ClickSoftware
Headquarters: Petach Tikva Country: Israel
Established: / Website: http://www.clicksoftware.com/
Main Business: e-HR Annual revenue of 2014: 126 million dollars
Stock Exchange: NASDAQ Stock Exchange Stock Code: CKSW
About: ClickSoftware (NASDAQ: CKSW) is a provider of software products and solutions for workforce management and optimization for the service sector. The Company derives revenues from the licensing of its software products and the provision of consulting and support services. ClickSoftware’s solutions are grouped into four main suites which together comprise its Service Optimization Suite: Field Service Daily Suite, Mobility Suite, Roster (Shift Planning) Suite and Forecasting and Planning Suite. Additionally, it offers variations of its products for certain vertical markets, including Mid-Market Package - Installation, Maintenance and Repair Services (ClickIMRS) and Service Tycoon. In April 2009, it completed the acquisition of the workforce management business of Manchitra Services Private Ltd. In August 2009, it completed the acquisition of the assets of AST Solutions Group 2009, Inc. In November 2009, the Company completed the acquisition of the assets of A.I. Point Ltd.

Major financial data in Fiscal 2014(Unit: $ million)

Average total assets Average total assets Average total assets Average total assets
-4 -3 -3 55
Average total assets Average total assets Current assets Current liabilities
99 98 75 33
Receivable by the end of 2014 Average receivable Total liabilities Interest expense
30 26 41 /

Major financial ratios in Fiscal 2014:

Indicator Ratio Compared with industry average Indicator Ratio Compared with industry average
Revenue growth rate 22.1% Lower Net profit margin -2.4% Lower
Total turnover ratio 1.3 Higher ROE -5.5% Lower
Accounts receivable turnover ratio 4.8 Higher Debt-asset ratio 41.4% Lower
ROA -3.1% Higher Current ratio 2.3 Higher
Operating margin -3.2% Higher Times Interest Earned / /