
Company name in Chinese: / Company name in English: sthree
Headquarters: London, United Kingdom Country: The United Kingdom
Established: 1986 Website: http://www.sthree.com/
Main Business: Headhunting & RPO Annual revenue of 2014: 1,231 million dollars
Stock Exchange: London Stock Exchange Stock Code: STHR
About: sthree(LON:STHR) is a United Kingdom-based company engaged in the permanent and contract staffing business. The Company’s recruitment areas include banking and finance, accountancy, energy and natural resources, telecommunications, healthcare, engineering, pharma and biotech, human resources, information technology, legal, procurement and supply chain, sales, and marketing. It operates in four brands, including Computer Futures Solutions, Huxley Associates, Progressive and Real Staffing Group. The Company operates in three geographical segments: the United Kingdom, Continental Europe and the Rest of the World.

Major financial data in Fiscal 2014(Unit: $ million)

Operating profit Net profit Pre-tax profit Shareholders' equity
49 / / /
Total assets by the end of 2014 Average total assets Current assets Current liabilities
/ / / /
Receivable by the end of 2014 Average receivable Total liabilities Interest expense
/ / / /

Major financial ratios in Fiscal 2014:

Indicator Ratio Compared with industry average Indicator Ratio Compared with industry average
Revenue growth rate 24.1% Higher Net profit margin / /
Total turnover ratio 9.8 Higher ROE / /
Accounts receivable turnover ratio 12.6 Higher Debt-asset ratio / /
ROA / / Current ratio / /
Operating margin 4.0% Lower Times Interest Earned / /