
Company name in Chinese: / Company name in English: Paycor
Headquarters: Cincinnati Country: America
Established: 1990 Website: http://www.paycor.com/
Main Business: e-HR Annual revenue of 2013: 111.3 million dollars
Stock Exchange: / Stock Code: /
About: Paycor helps companies perform better with intuitive, cloud-based HR, payroll and timekeeping software. More than 25,000 small- and mid-sized businesses across America trust Paycor for easy-to-use solutions that improve efficiency and enable them to focus on growing their business.
Paycor offers payroll services, an HRIS, applicant tracking software, time and attendance solutions, custom reporting, tax filing in every jurisdiction in the U.S., 401(k) retirement services, workers’ compensation and much more.

Major financial data in Fiscal 2013(Unit: $ million)

Operating profit Net profit Pre-tax profit Shareholders' equity
/ / / /
Total assets by the end of 2013 Average total assets Current assets Current liabilities
/ / / /
Receivable by the end of 2013 Average receivable Total liabilities Interest expense
/ / / /

Major financial ratios in Fiscal 2013:

Indicator Ratio Compared with industry average Indicator Ratio Compared with industry average
Revenue growth rate / / Net profit margin / /
Total turnover ratio / / ROE / /
Accounts receivable turnover ratio / / Debt-asset ratio / /
ROA / / Current ratio / /
Operating margin / / Times Interest Earned / /