CTPartners Executive Search

Company name in Chinese: / Company name in English: CTPartners Executive Search
Headquarters: New York’ Country: America
Established: 1980 Website: http://www.ctnet.com/
Main Business: Recruitment/ Headhunting Annual revenue of 2013: 134.3 million dollars
Stock Exchange: NYSEMKT Stock Code: CTP
About: CTPartners Executive Search Inc., together with its subsidiaries, provides retained executive search services worldwide. It facilitates the recruitment and hiring of C-level executives, such as chief executive officers, chief financial officers, chief legal officers, chief marketing officers, and chief human resource officers, as well as other senior executives and board members. The company also offers board advisory services. It primarily serves various industry practice groups, including financial services, professional services, life sciences, technology/media/telecom, consumer/retail, and industrial. The company was founded in 1980 and is based in New York.

Major financial data in Fiscal 2013(Unit: $ million)

Operating profit Net profit Pre-tax profit Shareholders' equity
-3 -2 -3 20
Total assets by the end of 2013 Average total assets Current assets Current liabilities
69 34 44 42
Receivable by the end of 2013 Average receivable Total liabilities Interest expense
27 14 45 0.2

Major financial ratios in Fiscal 2013:

Indicator Ratio Compared with industry average Indicator Ratio Compared with industry average
Revenue growth rate 1.0% Lower Net profit margin -1.2% Lower
Total turnover ratio 3.9 Higher ROE -7.9% Lower
Accounts receivable turnover ratio 9.9 Higher Debt-asset ratio 65.0% Higher
ROA -2.3% Lower Current ratio 1.0 Lower
Operating margin -2.0% Lower Times Interest Earned / /