Company name in Chinese: / Company name in English: Ultimate SOFTWARE
Headquarters: Florida, United States of America Country: United States of America
Established: 1990 Website: http://www.ultimatesoftware.com
Main Business: e-HR Annual revenue of 2013: 410 million dollars
Stock Exchange: NASDAQ Stock Market Stock Code: ULTI
About: Ultimate SOFTWARE (NASDAQ:ULTI) designs, markets, implements and supports human resources (HR), payroll and talent management solutions principally in the United States and Canada. Ultimate’s UltiPro software (UltiPro) is an Internet-based solution delivered primarily as an online service and designed to deliver the functionality businesses need to manage the employment life cycle, including recruitment and retirement. The solution includes feature sets for talent acquisition and on boarding, HR management and compliance, benefits management and online enrollment, payroll, performance management, learning management, salary planning and budgeting for compensation management, reporting and analytical decision-making tools, time and attendance, and a self-service Web portal for executives, managers, administrators, and employees.

Major financial data in Fiscal 2013(Unit: $ million)

Operating profit Net profit Pre-tax profit Shareholders' equity
43 26 43 188
Total assets by the end of 2013 Average total assets Current assets Current liabilities
598 562 467 403
Receivable by the end of 2013 Average receivable Total liabilities Interest expense
86 78 410 /

Major financial ratios in Fiscal 2013:

Indicator Ratio Compared with industry average Indicator Ratio Compared with industry average
Revenue growth rate 23.5% Lower Net profit margin 6.2% Lower
Total turnover ratio 0.7 Equal ROE 13.5% Higher
Accounts receivable turnover ratio 5.2 Higher Debt-asset ratio 68.5% Higher
ROA 4.3% Higher Current ratio 1.2 Lower
Operating margin 10.5% Higher Times Interest Earned / /