Staffline Group

Company name in Chinese: / Company name in English: Staffline Group
Headquarters: Nottingham, The United Kingdom Country: The United Kingdom
Established: 1986 Website: http://www.staffline.co.uk/
Main Business: Recruiting Annual revenue of 2013: 651 million dollars
Stock Exchange: London Stock Exchange Stock Code: STAF.L
About: The Staffline Group was established in 1986 and over time has grown into a national organisation specialising in logistics, e-retail, manufacturing, driving, food processing and white collar recruitment. It provides and manage workforces and use training and business improvement techniques to ensure increased levels of efficiency to give our clients a significant commercial advantage.

Major financial data in Fiscal 2013(Unit: $ million)

Operating profit Net profit Pre-tax profit Shareholders' equity
20 16 20 71
Total assets by the end of 2013 Average total assets Current assets Current liabilities
177 96 118 89
Receivable by the end of 2013 Average receivable Total liabilities Interest expense
99 52 106 /

Major financial ratios in Fiscal 2013:

Indicator Ratio Compared with industry average Indicator Ratio Compared with industry average
Revenue growth rate 13.4% Higher Net profit margin 2.5% Higher
Total turnover ratio 6.8 Higher ROE 22.3% Higher
Accounts receivable turnover ratio 12.4 Higher Debt-asset ratio 59.7% Higher
ROA 9.0% Higher Current ratio 1.3 Higher
Operating margin 3.1% Higher Times Interest Earned / /